"Wonder is the desire for knowledge." St. Thomas Aquinas. At Aquinas Classical Academy we foster an environment of life-long learning among our faculty that overflows into the classroom. Students and faculty journey together on a common quest for knowledge by reading from the same primary sources and gleaning insights from the fundamental teachers of our school: the authors themselves.
Michael Prato joins Aquinas Classical Academy with over 45 years of educational leadership as a teacher, coach, and principal/president in the public and private sectors. He holds an MA in Education from Central Washington University in both Leadership and Program Administration. Mr. Prato and his wife, Laura, have been married for 49 years and have five children, all graduates of Catholic high schools. When asked what Scripture verse has been both foundational to his platform, while motivating throughout his career, Mr. Prato offered: "A zeal for your house consumes me," (Psalm 69:9). He believes this verse encapsulates what must underpin all leadership in Catholic education. "I am excited to move this shared vision to reality. Zeal for our Catholic faith within a classical, liberal arts environment will characterize an ACA education." Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, Pray for Us. St. Thomas Aquinas, Pray for Us.
Stephen Holland joins Aquinas Classical Academy after 12 years of teaching at a Catholic high school in the Archdiocese of Seattle. He was with the school since its inception, helping to build its literature department and its culture. Mr. Holland earned an MA in Teaching from Loyola University Maryland and holds a bachelor degree from Gonzaga University in English as well as minors in history and jazz performance. He and his wife, Amber, both grew up in Olalla and are excited to be returning to Kitsap County. They have six children and currently homeschool in the classical tradition. Mr. Holland is inspired by Pope St. John Paul II's message that "Catholic education is, above all, a question of communicating Christ, of helping to form Christ in the lives of others. The cause of Catholic Education is the cause of Jesus Christ and of his Gospel at the service of man." Above all, Mr. Holland is dedicated to ensuring that ACA is a place where students, parents, faculty, and community members encounter Christ so that we may ever conform ourselves to Him.
MIKAELA HERTEL, DEAN OF FACULTY, Math & Theology Miss Hertel holds a Bachelors in Mathematics from the University of Washington and earned her Masters in Teaching from the University of Portland through the Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education. She has taught many mathematics courses, though her favorite is Precalculus. She has found that the more she follows where the Lord leads, whether it be teaching in Alaska, hiking the Camino de Santiago, or becoming a Third Order Dominican, the more deeply she experiences His grace and love. One of Miss Hertel's favorite Bible passages is from I Kings 19, where Elijah hears the Lord coming as a whisper. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, sewing, gardening, and making or listening to music.
Shae Ryalls - History & Latin Miss Ryalls joined Aquinas Classical Academy after having finished her master’s degree in Maritime Civilizations from the University of Haifa in 2020. Prior to that, Shae received a double major in History and Catholic Studies along with two minors in Classical Studies and Biology from the University of Mary. Having a travel bug, she has periodically studied or traveled in various places across Europe and the Middle East. She hopes to take students on her next trip so that she can share the delights of traveling with them. In addition to traveling, Shae enjoys reading, writing, and martial arts. “Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, ” is her favorite Bible verse. (Matthew 10:16) She has a special devotion to her Guardian Angel and asks for his guidance on this teaching adventure!
Brian Valley - U.S. Government & Economics Mr. Valley holds a BA in Political Science with a minor in History from Seattle Pacific University and a Master of Divinity from the Divinity School at Duke University, where his coursework focused on the New Testament. He has worked as both a youth minister and healthcare chaplain, though Mr. Valley’s favorite job title is “Dad.” He and his wife recently welcomed their first child, and participate in parish life at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Tacoma. Mr. Valley enjoys hiking, running, projects around the house, and reading a good novel on a sunny day. He is passionate about helping students discover how faith in Jesus can transform their study of Government and Economics. One of Mr. Valley’s favorite parts of scripture is St. Peter’s first epistle, which speaks beautifully of the “living hope” we have in Christ.
Dr. Victoria Crescenzi - Biology Dr. Crescenzi was born and raised in the Bronx, NY. After receiving a BS in Biology and Religious Studies, she accepted a commission in the US Navy at New York Medical Center where she subsequently earned her MD. Her naval career passed through Maryland, Italy, and Virginia before landing in Bremerton at the Navy Hospital. Dr. Crescenzi has held faculty and leadership positions at Madigan Army Medical Center as well as the U.S. Navy Hospital in Bremerton where she remained after retirement for a total of 35 years of government service. She is married with two adult children and is a professed secular Franciscan. Dr. Crescenzi brings St. Francis' love of creation to the classroom and humbly hopes her class can be called the 'Theology of Biology.'
Michael Holland - Theology, Fitness & Health Mr. Holland was immersed in an abundance of fitness and health during his undergraduate years at St. Martin’s University where he ran, threw, and jumped as a decathlete! During this time, he also fell in love with monastic life in the Benedictine tradition and had the incredible privilege of being fully welcomed by the monastic community for the liturgy of the hours, Mass, meals and regular participation in the monastic schola. More recently, he was able to pursue a Master’s in Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary. Michael, his wife, and their two children live in Port Orchard and attend their family’s long-time parish, St. Nicholas in Gig Harbor. Mr. Holland’s desire at Aquinas Classical Academy is to help students learn to keep Christ central to their daily lives, as well as to always seek God’s loving design throughout their lives.
Valerie Shepard - Literature Mrs. Shepard is passionate about teaching and with a BA in Liberal Studies, a Minor in Music, and a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, she is capable of teaching in a variety of capacities. Though born and raised in San Diego, CA, she took a leap of faith eleven years ago and moved to Washington, her husband’s home state, where they are now raising their three children. In her free time, Mrs. Shepard loves reading, playing the flute, and spending time in the beauty of nature. Her favorite Bible verse is Romans 12:5, “…so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another.”
Elisabeth Gates - Art & Art History Miss Gates teaches Fine Arts at Aquinas. She is an extremely talented artist and works in mediums such as watercolor, gouache, colored pencil, and digital painting. Woven throughout Miss Gates' art is the expression of her faith. For instance, the theme of light runs strongly through her work, “For God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6) Miss Gates gives students at Aquinas Classical Academy the tools to depict the reality and beauty around them, visually express their ideas, and analyze other works of art.
John Boyle - Chemistry Mr. Boyle comes to Aquinas with over 20 years of experience at technology companies in various roles including technical training and consulting on topics ranging from semiconductor fabrication technology to cloud computing. He started his teaching career as a Naval Officer teaching Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics at Naval Nuclear Power School. Most recently, Mr. Boyle has taught classes at the local community college and Our Lady Star of the Sea School. Mr. Boyle holds a Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering and completed U.S. Navy Postgraduate Nuclear Power and Chemistry certifications. John, his wife Lyn, and their four children have been active parishioners at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic parish since 2000. One of John’s favorite Bible verses is, ‘He must increase, but I must decrease.’ (John 3:30) Mr. Boyle’s desire at Aquinas Classical Academy is to help students seek first God’s will for their lives and come to know Him more through the wonder and order of His creation as viewed through the lens of Chemistry.
Julie Flynn - History Julie has been teaching the humanities for 16 years. She and her husband Rob have 6 children and 5 grandkids. Julie graduated from the University of San Francisco with a BSN and worked as an Oncology and Hospice RN before raising her family. She also was blessed to study the liberal arts at the St. Ignatius Institute while at USF. She is very excited to be a part of Aquinas Classical Academy!
Adam Kraeger - Earth Science, Physics, Geometry Mr. Kraeger holds a Bachelor's degree in Material Science and Engineering from the University of Washington. He enjoys reading and studying all things science from horticulture and quantum chemistry to applied plasma physics and sustainable, regenerative farming. This year, Adam is teaching Earth Science, Geometry, and Physics while pursuing his teacher's certification and Master of Arts in Education. On top of this, he also helps cook meals for Mary's Place and helps out on his brother's micro farm. Above all, he finds happiness in being a proud father of two beautiful children and peace through the acceptance of God's will no matter the hardship or trial. His favorite Bible verse is Psalm 22:31-32: "And I will live for the Lord; my descendants will serve you. The generation to come will be told of the Lord, that they may proclaim to a people yet unborn the deliverance you have brought."
Tina Lujan - Music Mrs. Lujan earned her Bachelor's degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. She has sung in and accompanied choirs throughout Washington since 1980 and has taught music for over 25 years. Currently, she is the Music Director at Holy Trinity Church. As a Third Order Franciscan, Mrs. Lujan firmly believes God has given everyone a voice to praise Him! She plans to cultivate those joyful sounds with her students while also sharing the music and history of past master composers. Mrs. Lujan enjoys alliterations, the outdoors (horticulture, horsemanship, and hiking), her pets (cats, chickens, and a corgi), and spending time with her husband, two sons, and one grandson. The simplicity and clearness of John 6:68 makes this her favorite Bible verse: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life."
Hannah Graves - Latin, Fitness & Health Miss Graves holds a Bachelors in Liberal Arts from Wyoming Catholic College where she participated actively in the Outdoor Leadership Program. She has since earned her Masters in Scriptural Theology from Christendom College and is working towards an MA in Liturgical Studies through the University of St. Mary on the Lake. She is passionate about the study of Latin as it opens so many windows into the past and preserves so much of our Catholic heritage. She is very excited to be back in the Pacific Northwest which has always been "home." In her spare time, she enjoys reading, knitting, weaving, and hiking.
Catherine Bennett - Drama Miss Bennett has been involved in local community theaters throughout Kitsap County for over ten years. She was born and raised in Bremerton and has always called Our Lady Star of the Sea her home parish. She is excited to teach the students at Aquinas how to use the dramatic arts as a way to help them gain confidence in speaking and acting out their faith. As St. Benedict said, “Your way of acting should be different than the world’s way.”
Kim Pizanti - Front Office Manager Kim Pizanti brings a wealth of experience to the administration of Aquinas Classical Academy as a retired US Navy Captain. She has an MBA in Manpower Systems Analysis from Naval Postgraduate School as well as a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University. She is married and has three wonderful boys. Her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:6-7, "Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
~Thank you to Milrose Basco Photography ~
TEACHER APPLICANTS: We are accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Please email your resume along with a cover letter to: [email protected]. Cover letter should answer the following questions: Why do you want to work at Aquinas Classical Academy? Why would you be a good fit?